This is a document held at the British Library.

It is a most thorough account of the history of 'Wawn', dating back to 1033.

It was privately printed in Sunderland by 'The Hills Press Ltd, Holmeside', although there are no dates or forewords on the document.

Parts I & II are stamped by the British Library October (19?)26 and parts III through VI are stamped (19?)31.

There are six separate documents of 16 pages each. Each one ends abruptly and follows word for word directly into the next one.

The final document, Part VI ends mid sentence. This prompts the obvious conclusion that there must be more of this document, or at least there was intended to be.

I have reproduced each part as accurately as possible. I do not intend to breach any copyright on this material.

Please email me if you would like MS Word format copies of these documents.

Wawn Family Records - Part I - 1033 -1350

Wawn Family Records - Part II - 1351 - 1400

Wawn Family Records - Part III - 1401 - 1450

Wawn Family Records - Part IV - 1451 - 1550

Wawn Family Records - Part V - 1550 - 1600

Wawn Family Records - Part VI - 1601 - 1800

Wawn Family Tree