The Smith Diaries
These pages have been sent to me by Sheila Gale in 2005. They are the diaries of the Smith family of northern England from the 1800's.
It features apprentice agreement of Harrison Smith through his father Jacob Smith with Edward Twizell.
This is not specifically about the Wawn's, but there is a prominent connection to the Twizell family and this material may be of interest.
If you would like more details on these pages, please email me.
Click on the thumbnails to see the images:
Transcripts to follow.
8 An Agreement made this 23rd Day of June 1791 between Mr John Dyson and Jacob Smith for the term of 14 years as a Calcar man at Lemington to the Northern Land Glass Company at the wagues as follows the first two years at 7 s week house and coals The 3 & 4 years at 8s per week the 5th year at 8s6 per week and the 6 & 7th years ad 9s per week house and coals or two pounds. Each year to be allowed and at or before the End of Six years of this agreement the said Jacob Smith must give the agent to the Company - Notice if he intends going away from the Company at the End of Seven years if no Notice is Given this agreement Continues for 14 years only the wagues is to be 10s per week house and coals for the last Seven years
Signd Jacob Smith
John Dyson
Entd - 28th June 1791 Tuesday
Wm Charlton witnefs
'Calcar' - "A furnace formerly used in glassmaking for calcination of materials into frit."
10 Jacob Smith Junior Agreement with Mr Edward Twizell on the 2nd May 1795 for the Term of five years To Sea at the Rate of Five pounds the first year Six the 2nd year.
Exspences for HARRISON June 9th 1821
£ s. d.
Indenter 1 10. 0
Bread and Cheese 0 5 0
Ale 0 8 0
June 23rd P to the Company 2. 4. 0
3 3 0
An Agreement made and sind the 9th day of June 1821 between John anderson Brown and Harrison Smith for the term of 7 years to lern the art of a Carpenter to be freeman of N'Castle Upon Tyne wages as followes that is to say first year no wages second third and fourth 4 Shillings per week fifth sixth and last years to have 5 shillings per week to find himself with bord washing logings for the term of seven years and to find himself with part of the tools that is neadfull the trade signd by Harrison Smith and Johnanderson Brown Jacob Smith.
17 Robert Smith Son of Jacob Smith Departed this Life at Lemington 5th May 1806 & Buried at St Nicholas N'Castle 7th May, Funeral Expenses
£ s d
Church Dues at N'Castle 9 4
Beadles meating Corps at Side Water 6 0
Under Bearers 4 0
Murning to Amers 6 0
P Whirray Going Down and Up 5 0
Church Dues at Newburn 2 0
To Cheese 15 0
To Ale at House 1 1 6
Brandy Rum & Gin 6 Quarts 1 6 8
1 Stone Best flour 3 2
1¼ pound Tobacco 4 6
Pipes ¾ Gross 2 6
Tea & Sugar 3 2
Butter 1 6
Bread & Fruit Cake 5 0
Cloath for Shroud 4 0
4 yds Black Ribbon @ 5d 1 8
Candles 0 11
Coffin making wood our own 6 6
6 8 5
Elizabeth Smith Departed this Life at Lemington 3 April 1806 and Buried at St Nicholas N'Castle 5 April
Funeral Expenses
Pd Joseph Hedly for Coffin 4 6
Church Dues 6 4
One Beadle meeting Corps at ) )
West Gate ) 3 6
Carring Corps into Church 1 0
Pd Amers for murning 2 6
Pd Mssrs Johnson for Murning Coach 15 6
1 13 4
20 John Smith Departed this Life at Wells Mews Wells Street London on Tuesday 5th Jan 1819 aged 43 years & one month old and was Buried on Sunday 17th Jan at St Mary-le-Bones Church yard opposite no 47 South Wall
Jacob and jane Smith sett off for London on Monday morning 11th Jany with the Wellington Comp'y and Gott to London Wednesday morning betwixt 8 & 9 o'clock and stoppped there till Monday morning 24th Janry and Gott to N'Castle on Wedinsday morning about 11 O'Clock Cost & Expenses £25 upon the road Back and Forward - Coach hire £18 18s 0d
Ann Oliver Departed this Life at Lemington Saturday Evening about 9 O'Clock 28th August
Expenses at Funeral
£ s d
Coffin Thos Hutchison 0 12 6
Church Dues at N'Burn 0 2 6
Murning to Hedly 0 6 0
Herse 0 2 0
1 Gallon Rum 0 17 0
4½ fu ale 0 9 0
Cheese sugar Tobacco )
& Bread Biscout & wigg ) 1 3 6
3 12 6
Different Artikles 6 0
3 18 6
(fu = 'furkin" - measure of barrel size - approximately equivalent to 34 litres)
Pafage through part of Ireland Thursday 2nd April 1784 bringing Glafsmakers vij James Newton Peter & Mick Varden
Miles Expences
13 To Manawar pd Cash 13 6
11 To Drothade 13 0
7 To Dunleir 9 0
10 To Dundath 12 6
10 To Nuery 12 0
10 To Benbridge 12 0
10 To Hillsborough 12 0
11 To Belfast 13 0
Took Shipping and )
Arrived at Cambleton ) 5 8
Turnpikes Gates 7 4
To Liqure and Victuals 1 3 8
6 13 2
To Grenock 2/6 Each 16 0
Sea Stock & to Glasgow 16 7
7 19 9
£22-0-0 Lemington 27th March 1813
Three Months after Date We jointly and Seperatly promise to pay to Jacob Smith or order the Sum of twenty two pounds for valued.
Reproduced with the kind permission of Sheila Gale.